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Friday, 21st June 2024, 16.00 | TheaterArche, Münzwardeingasse 2A, 1060 Vienna

Freyen Muthes durch die Welt
Children’s programme (for 6-9 year olds) | Production of Jeunesse und Wiener Konzerthaus

In their children’s programme 'Freyen Muthes dutch die Welt', the four musicians of ensemble freymut embark on a crazy musical journey through the metropolises of the Baroque era. Using old travel trunks and umbrellas, they create a colorful stage set with motifs from the cities they explore: London, Paris, Barcelona, and Venice. A playful and exploratory adventure into the music of different countries unfolds, promising a few surprises. Imaginative solos, duets, trios, and quartets challenge the musicians, eliciting a range of characters between comedy and poetry.

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Marin Marais' dances resonate through the narrow streets of Paris, and in Venice, Antonio Vivaldi's exhilarating and 'crazy' Follia builds up to a grand finale. ensemble freymut concludes the musical journey with ABBA's hit song, infusing the performance with vibrant energy. A theatrical concert full of poetry and comedy – from Baroque to craziness, everything is allowed!

(Premiere: January 2023 at the Wiener Konzerthaus)

ensemble freymut is a member of REMA and is supported by EEEMERGING+a program for rising young ensembles in the Early Music sector, operating across Europe.

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